The HP 11 and 14 Chromebooks are HP’s answer to an affordable mobile device that uses Google’s OS platform making everything on the device cloud based. The HP 11 has an 11.6″ screen and the HP 14 has a 14″ screen. The HP 11 current version is the HP 11 G9 ee. The current version for the HP 14 is the G6 A series. Both series apply an Intel Celeron chip and have 4 GB of memory and now comes with an additional 32 GB of offline storage. The webcams on these devices are 720p for a good viewing experience when teleconferencing.

The main part of these devices are that they work with the Google OS, meaning every piece of software used is cloud based (other than the 32 GB of additional storage everything else is in the cloud and can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection). Because of the cloud based usage and no need for a hard drive or an SSD (Solid State Drive), the cost is a lot less than you would see for a windows based laptop.

The best part about Chromebooks are the easy access to parts in case something breaks. For example, the screens that are currently in use have been used since the HP G3, so instead of putting your whole paycheck for a new screen, you can find them used for as low as $25. The fix is also a pretty easy fix for people with a little bit of a technology / repair background.

What we liked:

  • Great bang for your buck!
  • Parts are easily available
  • Self repair is possible – with little background
  • Google OS makes all documents available on the cloud
  • Battery life is excellent, a 100% charge lasts multiple days

What we disliked:

  • Does not have a hard drive or SSD, making working on certain files more difficult
  • Google OS can be difficult to navigate when first experiencing it.
  • Google Apps are not the most user friendly apps
  • Google OS is supported only for a specified time frame (example: a model usually is supported for 6 years).

Our conclusion is that the HP 11 and HP 14 Chromebooks are very cost effective when looking for a mobile device that will allow you to do the basics. The nice part about a chromebook is that because you are using Google OS all the documents that you work on through Google Docs will be readily available wherever you can get an internet connection. This also helps with school work and having the ability to collaborate with one another.

Check Prices on Amazon:

HP 11 Chromebook
HP 14 Chromebook

HP 14 G6 Chromebook photo. Copyright HP.

HP Chromebooks

7.4 Inexpensive Mobile Device

The HP 11 and HP 14 Chromebooks are a great buy if you mainly want to search the internet and do some schoolwork. It is definitely helpful if you are in the market for a device that will help you collaborate on any type of Google Document (Doc, Sheets, Slides, etc.).

The battery life for the HP 11 and 14 lasts very long and does not take a long time to charge. Parts for these Chromebooks are easily found across the internet and repairs can be made by yourself if you have a little background knowledge of repairing technology items.

If you are looking to buy a device that works well with video or audio editing or extreme gaming, these Chromebooks would not be a good buy as they do not have the type of requirements most of the games need in terms of graphics and storage space. However, if you want a good looking, efficient device to do research and watch youtube videos, this could be your device for a very inexpensive cost.

  • Cost 9
  • Performance 7.2
  • Features 6.5
  • Usability 7
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